List of Approved FLD for the Financial Year (2023-24)

SL.No. Crop / Enterprise Title of Front Line Demonstrations No. of Demo
1Sweet potato Bio fortified sweet potato variety Bhu sona in Idukki district 5
2Nutmeg Best management practices for nutmeg (2nd Year) 3
3Paddy Manuvarna variety of paddy in Idukki district 5
4Paddy Soil ameliorants in managing soil acidity in paddy 3
5Black pepper ICM in black pepper 5
6Tapioca Micronutrient liquid formulation in tapioca 5
7Banana Technology module to enhance the bunch weight in nendran banana 5
8Small Cardamom Silicon nutrition in small cardamom 5
9Bitter Gourd Micronutrient liquid formulation in bitter gourd 5
10Coconut Kalpa vardhini in coconut palms(2nd Year) 5
11Cabbage ICAR-IIHR’s neem seed powder pellet formulation for the management of cabbage insect pest 10
12Cassava Integrated disease management of cassava root rot in Idukki district 10
13-Khethi Rakshak-18 for deterring crop raiding wild monkeys 1
14Yard Long Bean KAU-Deepika variety of yard long bean in Idukki high ranges 5
15French Beans Arka Sarath french bean variety in Idukki highranges 5
16Fisheries Monoculturing of chitralada tilapia In Idukki district 5
17Dairy Cattle Ethno veterinary herbal medicines for repeat breeders in cattle 10
18Dairy Cattle Balanced feeding method to augment production and reproduction in dairy cattle 10
19Goat Package of practices to control kids mortality in Goats 10
20Dairy Cattle Ecto-parasiticide Methicone in dairy cattle 5
21Dairy Cattle Chemotherapy practices for lumpy skin disease management in Dairy Cattle 5

List of Special Activities for the Financial Year (2023-24)

SL.No. Activity / Programme Crop / Commodity Title of Activity No. of Farmers / Units
1FFS Strawberry Good Agriculture Practices (GAP) in production and Value Addition of Strawberry 1 Unit
2IFS Spices/Vegetables Integrated Farming System 5 Units
3EDP Mushroom EDP on production and marketing of value added mushroom products 2 Units

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